IPA Elections Information

Your election committee co-chairs, Dr. Louis Dvorkin and Dr. Ashley Houchin, want to remind you of upcoming dates for the IPA elections.

Elections begin May 1st, 2017, and end June 1st, 2017. The nominations slate is below. You can download information about the nominees here.

Cast your ballot at this website on May 1st:   https://vote.associationvoting.com/ipa/

If your credentials do not allow you to log-in, then you may have outdated information in the IPA Directory. If you would like to update your contact information please visit the IPA Website or contact Marsha Karey 312-372-7610 x201 at the IPA Central Office. In order to vote we will need your first name, last name, region, all affiliated sections and your current email address. All updates must be requested by April 1st, 2017.

If you would like to vote for someone for section chair, you will need to make sure you are a member of that section and your dues are paid by April 1st. To join a section or verify membership you can call Marsha Karey at 312-372-7610 x201.


Position Nominee
President Elect Lynda Behrendt
Treasurer Margot Jacquot
APA Council Representative Theresa Schultz
Clifton Saper
IPAGS Chair Elect Matthew Harings
Earle Grosvenor
Academic Section Mark Reineke
Susan Zoline
Early Career Psychologists Section Andrea Seefeldt
Clinical Practice Section Patricia Farrell
Consulting Section Lisa Page
Military Elva Johnson-Pompa
SOGI Daniel Brewer
Claudia Mosier
Social Responsibility Abigail Damsky Brown
Edgar Ramos
North Central Region Mary Dellorto
South Central Region Anna Hickey
Metropolitan Region Patricia Pimental

Thank you for your participation.